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What I Learned After Making $257,413 From 767 PPC Campaigns [Part 1]

What can you learn after generating more than a quarter million dollars with 767 PPC campaigns promoting affiliate products? Quite a lot actually. In this 2-part PPC and Affiliate Marketing video case study, you will discover invaluable insights into how to build a highly profitable online Affiliate Marketing business using Pay Per Clicking Advertising (PPC) as your traffic source.

You will get to see important metrics such as Return on Investment (ROI), Earnings per Click (EPC), Cost per Click (CPC), and many more. In addition, you are in for a treat because I will reveal the 30 best affiliate networks to work with, and the 17 best niches to promote in 2017. Plus, you will also receive the 5 best-kept secrets to Affiliate Marketing and PPC that I would usually only share with my VIP clients, and they are going to be yours for FREE! I You definitely DON'T want to miss this!

As always, post your comment or question below and enter the chance to earn a free prize from me. It can be a free money-making PPC campaign, free web design service, or a free tablet. A winner WILL be announced in the next few days!

In Part 1 (this blog post), you will find a 10-minute video as well as the presentation slides used in the video. Part 2 will be posted on this blog tomorrow.

Without further ado, this is Part 1 of the case study:

Presentation Slides: Click here

Happy Learning!



Video Transcript


Hello, everyone! Nick Chou here shouting out to you from New York City. In this exciting 2-part PPC case study, I will share with you EXACTLY what I have learned after generating more than a quarter million dollars for my clients from 767 PPC campaigns in the past 12 months.

Specifically, you will find out the following important metrics for these 767 PPC campaigns:

-The average earnings per campaign, the average ad spend per campaign, and the average profit per campaign.

-The average Return on Investment or ROI

-The average clicks per campaign

-The average Earnings per Click or EPC, and the average Cost per Click or CPC.

-The 30 best affiliate networks to work with

-The 17 best niches to promote

-The 5 best-kept PPC secrets that I only share with my VIP clients

Background Information for Case Study

Before I begin, let me give you a little bit of background information about these PPC campaigns.

  • I created and managed these 767 PPC campaigns for 78 of my clients in the past 12 months in my ETVM Project 2016 Program and my brand new ETVM Project 2017 program.

  • The data here is for a period of 2 to 3 months because I usually deliver clients' campaigns in 2 to 3 months.

  • The earnings per campaign and the profit per campaign would be A LOT higher if I could maintain the campaigns for a longer time. In addition, many clients had a very low budget for each campaign, which also limited the earnings and profit per campaign. So please keep these in mind when looking at the data for these campaigns.

OK. Are you ready to look at these metrics? Let's go!

Earnings, Ad Spend, Profit

First, let's look at the earnings, ad spend, and profit.

I have put all the campaign data in this giant spreadsheet. As you can see here, there are a total of 767 campaigns. The total earnings for these campaigns are $257,413. The total ad spend is $112,339. The gives a total profit of $146,509.

Now let's calculate the metrics for each campaign. After some simple calculation, we can see that the average earnings per campaign are $336. The average ad spend per campaign is $146. And the average profit per campaign is $191.


Now let's calculate the average Return on Investment, or ROI for these campaigns.

We will take the total profit, which is $146,509, divide it by the ad spend, which is $112,339, we will get the ROI, which is 130%. Many people are confused about how to evaluate ROI. Let me show you what a ROI of 130% means for your business. This means that for every $100 you spend in Bing Ads advertising, you will generate $230 in sales. That will translate to $130 in pure profit.

Clicks per Campaign

Next, let's look at the average clicks per campaign. Many Easy TV Money course members don't know how much traffic is too little traffic. Here let me shed some light. For the 767 campaigns, there are a total of 125,454 clicks. Divide that by the number of campaigns, which is 767, you will get about 164 clicks per campaign. Remember these clicks were from a period of 2 to 3 months. Let's say 2.5 months. That would be about 66 clicks per campaign per month, and only 2.2 clicks per campaign per day. It's not a whole lot of clicks, is it? You may be wondering, how can you still make money when your campaigns are only getting 2 clicks per day? This is because, as you should already know from the Easy TV Money course, we use a very effective strategy of bidding on product keywords, or the so-called brand keywords.

Of course, if you are an Easy TV Money 2.0 Gold member, you will learn how to scale your PPC business by up to 40 times by also bidding on generic keywords, NOT just brand keywords.

Conversion Rate

Next, let's look at the average conversion rate for these 767 PPC campaigns. We take the total number of conversions, which is 6,807, divide it by the number of clicks, which is 125,454, we will get a very respectable conversion rate of 5.43%. That means for every 100 clicks, you will get about 5.43 sales. Not bad at all!


Last but not least, let's look at the average Earnings per Click or EPC, and the average Cost per Click or CPC.

They are already calculated in this spreadsheet. The EPC is $2.05, and the CPC is $0.90. The big difference between these two metrics is why we have a very high return on investment.

The 30 Best Affiliate Networks to Work With

I have tallied all 767 PPC campaigns and looked at which affiliate networks they were from. As a valued member of my Easy TV Money course, you can now have complete access to my highly sought after list of top affiliate networks, updated for 2017:

Are you ready? Let's take a look!

Here is my secret list of the top 30 affiliate networks you should work with in 2017. As you can see here, the affiliate networks are ranked alphabetically instead of based on my preferences. You may be wondering, why NOT ranking them by your preferences? This is because had I done that, the 10,000+ paid members in my Easy TV Money course would all be jumping on the first few affiliate networks and thus create stiff competition for each other. I would rather that this highly coveted information is only available to a small group of determined members who are committed to building a profitable PPC business in the next few months.

If you want to join this small group of members, please watch part 2 of this 2-part video series, which you will see tomorrow, and see how you can get YOUR hands on my list of affiliate networks ranked from my most recommended to least recommended. So don’t forget to check back tomorrow!

The 17 Best Niches to Promote

The 767 PPC campaigns are from 17 niches. See the list here:

These niches are:

  • Beauty: Skincare,

  • Health: Male Enhancement,

  • Fitness: Muscle Building

  • Health: General

  • Fitness: Weight Loss

  • Beauty: General

  • Health: Brain Health

  • Home and Garden

  • Finance: Trading

  • Software

  • Background Check

  • Professional Services

  • Education

  • Entertainment: Games

  • Internet Marketing

  • Shopping

  • Web Hosting

In this spreadsheet, the niches are actually ranked from the most popular niche to the least popular one.

If you want to know out of the 767 campaigns, how many of them are from each of the niche, stay tuned for part 2 of this 2-part video series that I am going to share with you tomorrow! Stay tuned!

Part 2 and Free Prize

OK, guys! This is it for today's short video. Tomorrow, I am going to share with you part 2 of this video series, in which I am going to reveal the 5 best-kept secrets to running a highly profitable PPC business that I would only share with my VIP clients who have ordered at least 20 PPC campaigns from me. These VIP secrets are worth at least $1,000 each, and they will be YOURS 100% free. If you want to make more than $10,000 per month, you should definitely watch tomorrow's video!

As always, if you comment below and share this with friends, you will have the chance to win a free prize for this month. So comment and share away. The winner will be announced shortly!

Thanks for watching and see you tomorrow!

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